Lessons Of The Heart
Acceptance has taken the wind from my sails,
my life left drifting on a still and endless sea.
Do I have a direction or a destiny?
Dare I speak of anything to come,
yet lay here silent
waiting for the light of the Son.
Silently I lay down this life of mine,
for it has not been mine for a long, long time.
It is cold again in this sea of blood,
In the darkness just memories of the face of love.
I cannot wander as my life's afloat,
if there is purpose in this boat.
Acceptance, a lesson from God,
will it take me home?
It seems like I am always learning it all alone.
Is this lesson, one that is only, a lesson for me.
So I wait without answers to feelings like these.
Is this boat really a coffin,
or a vessel on a voyage home that will set me free?
P. J. Campise